Listed Investment Companies

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Flagship Investments

Flagship Investments Limited, (ASX Code: FSI) is an investment company providing investors with access to an expertly crafted quality portfolio of Australian growth companies. The Company aims to maintain at least 90% of available funds in equity investments at all times with the balance in cash and equivalent. As a result, FSI is best suited to investors with a medium to long-term time horizon.
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Global Masters Fund Limited

Global Masters Fund Ltd (ASX Code: GFL) was created for investors seeking to participate in long term capital growth by investing in quality global assets. The primary investment of Global Masters is in Berkshire Hathaway Inc, the New York Stock Exchange listed investment company managed by legendary investor, Warren Buffett. In addition, Global Masters has a portfolio of investments including companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, Australian Stock Exchange and Johannesburg Stock Exchange.
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Athelney Trust PLC

Athelney Trust plc is a United Kingdom company listed on the London Stock Exchange making investments in the equity securities of quoted UK companies, especially smaller companies. The investment objective is to provide long-term dividends and capital growth. The risks of UK Small Capital company investment are minimised through our spread of holdings in carefully researched and selected quality companies from various industries and sectors.
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